Thursday, November 01, 2007

I'm not Eliza

Hey, all, I'm not Eliza, I'm her sometimes fill-in Jule. I guess she's got finals going on so she hasn't posted in a while. Some interesting things of note...... is a site dedicated to, you guessed it, the drought situation. The Governor etc really don't seem to have any backup plan at all if we run out of water, kind of scary. So put a brick in your toilet tank and don't wash your car.

I read in the AJC that the Douglas county folks were in talks with the planners of the Echo project over noise pollution concerns. Since the concert wasn't held in our county, we didn't have a say in the planning, but it seems they will take steps to change some things for next year. I read that they have a 10 year agreement to keep holding the concert. We sure heard the dull, distant noise from our house, and I can't imagine what it must have been like for those who live off hwy70.

I attended one of those transportation meetings they held a while back. They seemed well put together and organized. They were asking us what large, conceptual plans we wanted to put our money towards. It seems that they have to have a plan, then submit it to the state and region and feds before they can ever think of starting work. It could take 5, 7, 10 years to get a project working, but that's the price of Federal transporation dollars. There were a couple of people there who had specific concerns about their one intersection and this was not the forum for those concerns to get addressed. Nonetheless, I thought it was a worthwhile meeting.

Just like last year, we had not a single trick or treater, but I was smart and bought the sort of candy I don't like, so I won't be tepted to plow through the whole bag myself. My husband can take it to work when he's back from deer hunting.

That's it. How are y'all?